Dear Member

Thinking back to when I started learning about doing business online, I am reminded of a few things.

It was 2006, and while I was no stranger to computers, I was fairly new to the internet.

I will be sharing my journey in due course, and how it can benefit you, but right off the bat I am thinking about how eager I always was to get a freebie.

Many of you arrived here by showing interest in a course or similar offering, and whether you bought it or not, I will be giving away some free stuff on a regular basis.

The best way you can tap into the free stuff, is to visit where you will find a collection of freebies that are updated and added to on a regular basis.

You may have specific preferences, or topics that you want more upskilling on.

When visiting the above page, use the button to visit and register on our Forum (free), and tell us about your needs.

Let me know what you think – in the Forum.

You can also watch an Afrikaans snippet below on how to use fractions in Excel!


Connie Muller