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Connie Muller 2020-08-23T16:00:41+00:00
Here’s how South Africa’s rental market is changing Connie Muller 2020-08-23T16:00:41+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-08-14T16:00:41+00:00
Where in Europe wealthy South Africans are buying property Connie Muller 2020-08-14T16:00:41+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-07-23T14:38:45+00:00
Here’s how much money you will save on a R1 million bond with rates at historic lows Connie Muller 2020-07-23T14:38:45+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-06-07T09:00:17+00:00
Is now a good time to fix the rate on your home loan in South Africa? Connie Muller 2020-06-07T09:00:17+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-04-04T06:30:51+00:00
The average home loan balance in South Africa Connie Muller 2020-04-04T06:30:51+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-03-21T05:00:35+00:00
This is how much money you will save by paying an extra R650 into your home loan Connie Muller 2020-03-21T05:00:35+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-02-01T06:00:46+00:00
This is how much it costs to rent a home in Gauteng right now Connie Muller 2020-02-01T06:00:46+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-01-20T07:13:33+00:00
This is how much the average house costs in South Africa – and why banks will offer favourable home loans in 2020 Connie Muller 2020-01-20T07:13:33+00:00
Connie Muller 2020-01-01T15:32:07+00:00
This is what you can expect from the property market in South Africa this year Connie Muller 2020-01-01T15:32:07+00:00
Connie Muller 2019-12-30T16:00:19+00:00
The most valuable suburbs in South Africa – and other standout property stats you should know Connie Muller 2019-12-30T16:00:19+00:00
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