Daily Instagram hashtags: Have you given them a try yet?
Everyone seems to be on the #bandwagon with days of the week Instagram hashtags, in particular.
#mondaymorning #tuesdaythoughts #wednesdaywine—hashtags pepper Instagram posts like #sprinkles on #icecream.
They’re great ways to stay up to date with the latest trends and connect to a larger conversation (especially if you’re a small business).
Although daily hashtags are general by nature, you can easily tailor them to your specific industry and company culture.
And we’ll show you how to do it!
Tons of businesses rely on hashtags to build brand awareness and create fast-moving conversations across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Hashtags are proven to help your ads outperform and reduce cost per click (CPC)—in other words, it’ll make your overall ad cheaper.
Below is a wealth of the highest-quality examples from growing businesses of Instagram Hashtags for every day of the week—starting with the most popular, and including more #creative ones to stand out from the crowd.
Monday Instagram Hashtags
Monday. For about 89% of the population, it’s the first day of the working week. According to research from Hootsuite, it’s also the best day to post on Instagram if you’re in the tech industry.
Monday posts perform better than weekend posts, and they have a lower average CPC than you would get when posting on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
Monday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #mondaymotivation | 19.5M | ||
2. #mondaymood | 6.2M | ||
3. #mondaymorning | 3.1M | ||
4. #mondayblues | 2.7M | ||
5. #mondayfunday | 1.7M | ||
6. #mondaynight | 1M | ||
7. #mondayquotes | 418.8K | ||
8. #mondayssuck | 298.3K | ||
9. #mondayoff | 88.9K | ||
10. #mondaymuse | 73.3K |
Unsurprisingly, several of the most popular Monday hashtags are less than enthusiastic about the day. From #mondayblues to #mondayssuck, there are a fair amount of posts out there bemoaning the start of the week (and some, like #mondaymood, that are more neutral).
There are plenty of opportunities to get more creative, though.
There’s #mondaymuse, #mondayfunday, and the ever-mysterious #mondaynight (what exactly happens on a Monday night?).
Whatever your style, posting on a Monday can help drive a solid amount of traffic.
1. #MONDAYBLUES – 2.7M posts
Coming in near the top of Monday hashtags, #mondayblues is pretty self-explanatory. You wake up in the morning with your weekend behind you and a full week of work in front of you. Your to-do list is a mile long. Maybe your head hurts from last night. Either way, you’ve got the #mondayblues.
Most of the brands using #mondayblues in posts are trying to empathize with their followers and acknowledge the struggle inherent to the second day of the week (or first, if that’s your style).
But you can also use #mondayblues a little more creatively, like Hot Rod Depot did in this post:
Instead of a GIF of a sad dog or a tired human, Hot Rod Depot is using their Monday hashtags to show off a striking blue corvette. The bright hue and positive tone stand out among all the other melancholy #mondayblues posts.
It’s an inspired, unexpected twist on the kind of post you would typically expect from a #mondayblues hashtag—and it paid off, netting Hot Rod Depot over 380 likes and numerous comments just a few hours after posting. It just goes to show that Instagram hashtags can be used in unique ways to draw attention to your brand. Using a different interpretation of a hashtag, like using the color blue instead of the feeling, helps your post stand out.
Related hashtags: #mondaysbelike (341.8K posts), #mondayfeels (398,889 posts)
2. #MONDAYOFF – 88.9K posts
To cure the #mondayblues, perhaps you decide to take #mondayoff.
Most #mondayoff posts—lounging in bed, eating a lavish breakfast, or (as in the case of Rapture Surfcamps) surfing in Costa Rica—fly in the face of those with a more traditional workday.
Rapture Surfcamp’s photo is nothing if not serene—split between a beautiful sunrise and still, reflective waters. It’s an inspiring image that shows users what they could be experiencing on their #mondayoff. Even people who have to work can appreciate this kind of inspiration early in their week, and over 150 users showed their appreciation through likes.
Related hashtags: #weekendisover (135, 296 posts), #everydayissaturday (20,717 posts)
3. #MONDAYMUSE – 73.3K posts
More ethereal than some of the other hashtags (e.g., #wednesdayworkout), #mondaymuse nevertheless occupies an enormous place in the minds of early-week Instagrammers.
In classical mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses that gave people inspiration for creation. Likewise, the majority of #mondaymuse posts are designed to motivate followers.
While some posts are relevant to politics and activism (e.g., Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes speech), other #mondaymuse posts are more oriented towards individual strength, such as The UnderBelly yoga’s post below.
Using #mondaymuse, this online yoga studio highlights the strength and flexibility of 53-year-old actress Lisa Bonet. The post garnered over 870 likes and numerous comments.
Related Instagram hashtags: #mondayinspo (74,341 posts), #mondayvibe (102,140 posts)
Tuesday Instagram Hashtags
While Tuesday isn’t the absolute best day to post for views, it’s still a weekday. And weekdays are proven to be more popular for posting than weekends.
In fact, Tuesday tends to be a better day for posting than Mondays. Posting on Tuesdays—with your Tuesday hashtags, of course—is an excellent option for keeping your followers engaged while the workweek kicks into gear.
Tuesday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #tuesdayvibes | 1M | ||
2. #tuesdaythoughts | 957.3K | ||
3. #tuesdaytip | 279.4K | ||
4. #tuesdaytreat | 147.8K | ||
5. #tuesdaytruth | 117.2K | ||
6. #tuesdaytrivia | 65.6K | ||
7. #tuesdayturnup | 35.9K | ||
8. #tuesdaylook | 18.6K | ||
9. #tuesdaytalk | 20.5K | ||
10. #tuesdayclass | 8.7K |
According to the top Tuesday posts listed above, the day seems to be about highlighting the little things (“thoughts,” “tips,” “trivia”).
At the same time, 35,900 people have noted “tuesdayturnup”—already looking ahead to happy hour or the weekend, or taking it up a notch to make it a strong work week.
1. #TUESDAYVIBES – 1M posts
By the second day of the week, most of us are in the groove of working. Still, it’s nice to remember the things that keep us happy and uplifted between all the to-dos.
#tuesdayvibes Instagram posts generally reflect productivity, mixed with a little fun. The international non-profit The Vanderpump Dog Foundation nails this lighthearted feeling with their #tuesdayvibes post. It jokingly reminds followers that it’s the workweek for dogs-in-training, just like humans!
This adorable video of a pup hard at work gained over 2,700 views in under three hours, one of the highest numbers in #tuesdayvibes overall.
The Vanderpump Dog Foundation nailed the emotional factor here. Our research shows that pulling at a viewer’s heartstrings will not only capture their attention—it can motivate them to engage. With 369 likes in just three hours, it sure seems like this hard-working dog did the trick.
Related Instagram hashtags: #tuesdaymorning (968, 946 posts), #tuesdaymood (445,088 posts)
2. #TUESDAYTIP – 279.4K posts
#Tuesdaytip posts are full of intellectual, practical, and work-related advice (plus some tips that are just for fun!). Rustic Roots Salon stays on-brand by offering a #tuesdaytip about hair care.
Rustic Roots is a local salon in MN, but their Tuesday hair maintenance and self-care tips still regularly gain dozens of likes and comments.
A hashtag like #tuesdaytip is a great opportunity to show your expertise and offer helpful advice to your followers. Using this Tuesday hashtag regularly will keep your followers coming back at least once a week to see what new tip you have for them.
Related Instagram hashtags: #tiptuesday (519, 997 posts), #thursdaythoughts (1.4M posts)
Wednesday Instagram Hashtags
Wednesday. #humpday. The day that many of us just want to blink and be done with.
Instagram seems to feel that, too. Wednesday isn’t as good for posting as Tuesday or Thursday, but it’s significantly better than Mondays or weekends.
Wednesday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #wednesdaywisdom | 3M | ||
2. #wednesdaymotivation | 972.8K | ||
3. #wednesdaynight | 697K | ||
4. #wednesdayworkout | 205K | ||
5. #wednesdayhumpday | 50.7K | ||
6. #wednesdaywords | 48.7K | ||
7. #wednesdayhumor | 30.1K | ||
8. #wednesdaygrind | 23.6K | ||
9. #wednesdaywalk | 15.3K | ||
10. #wednesdaywine | 12.9K |
The top posts for Wednesday hashtags still highlight smaller pleasures like “wine” and “words,” but begin to skew towards the more action-focused “workout” and “grind.” And nearly 700,000 people have posted about #wednesdaynight. They’re ready for a change of pace!
Seeking some knowledge to get you going mid-week? Depending on what you’re looking for on hump day, #wednesdaywisdom can deliver a range of goods. Here, Frost Museum of Science shows us that on Wednesdays, even sea stars are just trying to move things along. The museum goes on to talk about how sea stars use tube feet to move, as shown in the video.
Approaching 33,000 views and over 2,000 likes, this is one of the most popular recent posts for #wednesdaywisdom. The content of the video is fun and eye-catching, and Frost Science Museum stays true to the hashtag by using the post to teach us something new.
Related Instagram hashtags: #wednesdaymotivation (972,768 posts), #thursdaythoughts (1.4M posts)
2. #WEDNESDAYWORKOUT – 205k posts
#wednesdayworkout posts are full of very strong people showing off their skills and fitness—and inspiring those of us scrolling through Instagram to get up and get moving!
In her #wednesdayworkout post, Alison Jackson—a member of bicycle racing team Sunweb—takes us through her Wednesday yoga routine.
Team Sunweb uses video in this post to give their followers a home workout they can follow along with. Video is ideal for this hashtag because it’ll catch the attention of any users looking for their own #wednesdayworkout routine. Alison paired an inspirational caption with a yoga video to tell users how Team Sunweb can help them stay in shape at home. 37,018 viewers heard her loud and clear!
Related Instagram hashtags: #fitfriday (291,913 posts), #weekendworkout (266,157 posts)
3. #WEDNESDAYGRIND – 23.6K posts
The #wednesdaygrind includes posts from people making to-do lists, creating jewelry, or doing other crafts—being productive both in and out of a traditional workspace.
Take the brand Entrepreneurs in Canada. In their #wednesdaygrind post, the brand emphasizes that hard work can happen anywhere, and take many different forms—even solo rock climbing.
This #wednesdaygrind post captures the internal grit that anyone who starts a business will appreciate.
Related Instagram hashtags: #iworkout (1.2M posts), #workit (1.6M posts)
Thursday Instagram Hashtags
Thursday! We’re getting there!
Thursday is the most popular day for Instagram posts. Everyone is ready to take a breather with some #tbt (Throwback Thursday) images and videos.
Not only is it a great day for lots of traffic, but CPC tends to be lower on Thursdays than on Wednesdays.
Thursday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #tbt | 526.6M | ||
2. #thursdaythoughts | 1.4M | ||
3. #thursdaynight | 1.4M | ||
4. #thursdayvibes | 866K | ||
5. #thursdaymood | 379K | ||
6. #thursdaymorning | 340.8K | ||
7. #thursdaythrowback | 140.7K | ||
8. #thursdayfun | 138K | ||
9. #thursdaytruth | 30.2K | ||
10. #thursdaygrind | 28.1K |
#tbt is one of the most popular Instagram hashtags ever with a staggering 526.6 million posts! Many of the other top Thursday hashtags reflect similar desires to step back and consider #thursdaythoughts and #thursdaytruths.
Still, some people are continuing the #thursdaygrind, waking up for yet another #thursdaymorning.
1. #TBT – 526.6M posts
#tbt—the Throwback Thursday hashtag—is flexible. You can use it to dig up professional memories, like pictures of your company’s early days, or personal throwbacks, like a picture of your grandparents’ wedding cake.
In this #tbt post, NYC/DC food and travel poster cy_eats reminisces about an incredible breakfast—a stunning bagel + lox she most likely inhaled immediately after photographing it.
With over 5,400 likes and a lively conversation among individuals and small businesses, this mouthwatering #tbt pic stands out in a sea of average-quality images.
Everybody and their grandmother tosses up #tbt posts, so think about how you can make your content stand out. Making sure yours is vibrant (think: texture and single dominant hues), on-brand, and uses a punchy caption to drive traffic.
Related Instagram hashtags: #throwbackthursdays (1.6M posts), #tbtphoto (139.767 posts)
2. #THURSDAYNIGHT – 1.4M posts
The set of #thursdaynight hashtags is replete with pictures of dinners out, interesting departures to art galleries or other events—and even personal tidbits like new tattoos!
The Zuckerman Museum of Art takes full advantage of #thursdaynight to announce their latest Drawing in the Gallery workshop event.
The hashtag is particularly relevant to this post since the museum’s event is on Thursday night. Anyone using #thursdaynight to find something to do now has a new idea!
Related Instagram hashtags: #wednesdaynight (697,079 posts), #fridaynight (15.2M posts)
Friday Instagram Hashtags
Friday is one of the best days to post on Instagram, second only to Thursday.
Friday does have a higher CPC for advertisers, but for organic posts, the added reach and engagement potential is far more important.
Plus, a lot of fun ideas exist for Friday.
Friday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #fridaynight | 15.2M | ||
2. #fridayfeeling | 3M | ||
3. #fridaynightlights | 1.5M | ||
4. #fridayfun | 1.3M | ||
5. #fridaynightdinner | 172.4K | ||
6. #fridayreads | 141.4K | ||
7. #fridayflow | 100.1K | ||
8. #fridayface | 77.7K | ||
9. #fridayoff | 70.7K | ||
10. #fridayfood | 67.8K |
Things can get really pricey for those of us going out and posting about #fridaynight, #fridaynightdinner, and #fridaynightlights. There’s just too much #fridayfun after the #grind of the week!
Most of us (at least 3 million) have that #fridayfeeling.
Many of us think of the popular TV series about a small-town football team in Dillon, Texas, when we hear “Friday Night Lights.” (Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose!)
But certain businesses have put their own creative spin on the hashtag. Instead of referring to football, some companies highlight actual lighting.
Here, the graphic design company Graphic Gang uses #fridaynightlights in a post featuring a woman with a glass of wine, and the waning light on a summer evening.
Over 7,600 likes and 29 comments prove that the team’s tactics paid off. It’s rare to see such high-quality, original works of art, and Graphic Gang’s post captures the wonderful (and sometimes romantic) feeling of a Friday night.
Graphic Gang’s post also has a clear call-to-action (CTA), telling users to follow or tag the business to see more content like this, and potentially to be featured. CTAs like this one are a great way to encourage followers to engage beyond just liking the post.
Related Instagram hashtags: #fridaynightvibes (178,691 posts), #pregame (867,384 posts)
2. #FRIDAYFUN – 1.3M posts
#fridayfun covers a variety of lighthearted experiences—from a day at Disney to a girls’ night out. Mistletoe Farm Alpacas captures the carefree spirit of #fridayfun with this post about alpacas in a wrestling match.
Mistletoe Farm Alpacas shows how pairing the right Friday hashtags with a cute and fun video can really pay off. The video received over 64,600 views and 6,500 likes—not bad for a brand with 11,500 blog followers!
Related Instagram hashtags: #fridayfunday (977,934 posts), #fridayvibes (3.7M posts)
Saturday Instagram Hashtags
Ahhhh, Saturday. As savvy social media advertisers, we might want to consider sleeping and letting our snazzy pics rest for a bit.
Saturday has one of the lowest levels of engagement of any day of the week, though its CPC is also lower than some of the higher-engagement days.
Saturday Hashtags | Post | ||
1. #saturdaynight | 21.9M | ||
2. #saturdaymorning | 4.3M | ||
3. #saturdayfunday | 545.8K | ||
4. #saturdaystyle | 221.1K | ||
5. #saturdaylunch | 193.1K | ||
6. #saturdaylove | 131.3K | ||
7. #saturdayrun | 125K | ||
8. #saturdayswag | 73K | ||
9. #saturdayride | 70.4K | ||
10. #saturdaylife | 54.2K |
People are still eager to show off their #saturdaystyle, #saturdayswag, and #saturdayride, though. In general, we all enjoy that #saturdaylife.
There aren’t many people who can’t say something positive about #saturdayfunday.
1. #SATURDAYLOVE – 131.3K posts
One of the more creative (and wildly popular) Saturday hashtags is #saturdaylove. Posts with this tag tend to highlight budding romantic relationships or self-care tips like bubble baths.
Wedding resource brand Wedding Chicks shows their love for love itself (and bright colors!) in this #saturdaylove wedding highlight post.
It’s no surprise that over 1,500 people liked the post—the caption is as fun and colorful as the images! And to boost engagement even more, there’s a clear CTA in the caption to click the bio link.
Related Instagram hashtags: #saturdayvibes (4.5M posts), #saturdayfeels (205,558 posts)
2. #SATURDAYRUN – 125K posts
#saturdayrun is mainly a place to show off humans’ athletic prowess, and it holds some unique opportunities for brands. Personalize and humanize your brand by showcasing your employees getting active on the weekends or after work.
Running and nutrition coach Jessica Reyes uses #saturdayrun to feature her own exercise journey.
The post personalizes Reyes and shows the commitment behind her running and nutrition coaching. Using this hashtag helps Reyes’ post reach users who are interested in running—and, therefore, her product. The post’s over 700 likes show that this strategy works.
Even if Saturday isn’t the most popular day for Instagram posts, for certain advertisers with more of a focus on hobbies or outdoor adventures, it can be a great time to reach their target audience.
Related Instagram hashtags: #iloverunning (1.5M posts), #ilovetorun (275,389 posts)
Sunday Instagram Hashtags
Sunday. The day of rest.
Or is it?
Many of the top Sunday hashtags have posts numbering in the millions. The #sundaymorning hashtag has over 7 million posts, and #sundayvibes has 8 million.
Sunday Hashtags | Posts | ||
1. #sundayvibes | 8M | ||
2. #sundaymorning | 7.4M | ||
3. #sundaybrunch | 2.2M | ||
4. #sundaydinner | 1.8M | ||
5. #sundayservice | 905.8K | ||
6. #sundayroast | 746K | ||
7. #sundaybest | 615.4K | ||
8. #sundaysesh | 458.4K | ||
9. #sundayfootball | 455.6K | ||
10. #sundayhike | 158.3K |
Sunday may not see the highest engagement compared to other days of the week, but it doesn’t need to be completely off your radar.
An enormous volume of traffic surrounds meals—e.g., #sundaybrunch and #sundaydinner. If you’re a restaurant, you might be able to generate anticipation for an upcoming foodie event, luring weekenders to your table with a tantalizing picture of a #sundayroast.
Apparel companies might show off their #sundaybest; musicians could consider highlighting a #sundaysesh.
Sunday continues to be a fine day to charm your followers!
1. #SUNDAYBRUNCH – 2.2M posts
#sundaybrunch. Best meal of the week? Millions of people think so, including yoga teacher Courtnie.
In her post, Courtnie continues with her on-brand theme of wellness and healthy eating.
Courtnie showcases her #sundaybrunch foods, featuring healthy eggs and veggies instead of crepes or French toast. Users of this hashtag are likely looking for food posts, and Courtnie delivers with a high-quality image and a personal, honest caption that helps connect to her followers and show how delicious healthy brunches can be.
More than 3,200 followers show their appreciation by liking the post.
Related Instagram hashtags: #brunching (735,385 posts), #weekendbrunch (185,459 posts)
2. #SUNDAYBEST – 615.4k posts
Sunday may have lower engagement numbers in general, but many retailers have found their niche appealing to online shoppers. Brands use Instagram hashtags to show off some of their dressier clothing lines, fit for anyone trying to look their #sundaybest.
Modest Apparels uses Sunday hashtags on their post of a woman wearing one of their skirt-and-top combinations.
The brand features church-appropriate clothing, appealing to users shopping for professional or modestly dressy attire. They use #sundaybest to emphasize the type of clothing they are selling. Even those spending the majority of Sunday resting could be motivated to treat themselves to a quick purchase.
Related Instagram hashtags: #sundayoutfit (138,407 posts), #sundayflow (204,128 posts)
Final Thoughts on Instagram Daily Hashtags
We hope this gives you a taste of the enormous range of ways you can get creative with your Instagram hashtags—and keep your costs down.
Remember, the lowest engagement is on weekends and the most popular days for posting are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
So, unless your brand specifically targets people who could convert on the weekends, consider taking a #saturdayride or a long #sundaybrunch and focus your best hashtags for the workweek instead.
What do you think? Are you going to start testing Instagram daily hashtags? Let us know in the comments what worked best for you!