As a child, I was fortunate to not struggle academically at school. Well, with one exception. Maths.

Somehow Maths was always my nemesis. I actually passed maths in matric, but just by the seat of my pants.

At varsity, Maths was “Dawn Patrol” – first lecture of the morning. I blamed the time of day for being the reason I bunked so many lectures.

But the truth was that Math was simply a grudge subject. I did not want to attend. Because I disliked it.

Today there are many ways that children can be assisted with Maths, both with personal tuition, online, and the use of software and video.

If you know anybody who has a school going child needing help with mathematics, you are at the right place.

Check out

Read why children actually struggle with maths.

They get daily personal tuition with their maths homework, using communication platforms that were unknown in my day.

And the best is, you can try before you buy.

You have nothing to lose, but that child has everything to gain.